Coronavirus update 2

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How our body is attacted by Covid-19?

There are dozens of vaccines on the way!

Covid-19: The global crisis — in data by Financial Times

Our work:

The positive rate: A crucial metric for understanding the pandemic 

This chart shows the number of daily tests per thousand people. Because the number of tests is often volatile from day to day, we show the figures as a seven-day rolling average. 

Another way of looking at the extent of testing relative to the scale of the outbreak is to ask: How many tests does a country do to find one COVID-19 case? 

It is simply the inverse of our data on the positive rate. 

Countries that do very few tests per confirmed case are unlikely to be testing widely enough to find all cases. The WHO has suggested around 10 – 30 tests per confirmed case as a general benchmark of adequate testing.2 

World map: total tests performed relative to the size of population 

This map shows you how the total number of tests per thousand people compares across all countries in our dataset. 

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