"Science in the service of humanity"
crossing barriers, breaking stereotypes, superstitions and beliefs - throughout the human history
The form:
Presentation in the form of online posters. printouts or handmade posters
Theories, hypotheses - beliefs, myths, conspiracy theories and "fake news"
Is the globe flat?
The heart is a center of feelings.
Geocentrism - is Earth in the center of the universe?
Is illness the result of the human sin?
Do trees takes substances mainly from the soil to grow?
Is bloodletting helpful as a treatment in case of illness?
Is homeopathic medicine is effective?
Did the witches really exist?! Were they burnt at the stake?
Does the human soul weigh 21 grams?
Is there is a supernatural world in heaven?
Is casting a curse or charm effective?
There are some results of students work:
every poster was supported by a student's speech.
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